If you’re wondering how to use the gov.uk website to check your business’ HMRC position for PAYE or VAT, follow our step-by-step guide below.
Step 1
Visit the HMRC online services website here. Click the green ‘sign in‘ button as shown below.
Step 2
Within the ‘Business tax summary’ you’ll find a section titled ‘PAYE for employers‘. There, you’ll be able to see a summary of amounts soon to be due and overdue. This is your HMRC position for PAYE.
Step 3
To check your business’ VAT position, scroll to the ‘Making Tax Digital for VAT’ section and click ‘View your VAT account’.
Step 4
Click ‘View past payments’ under ‘History‘.
Step 5
A new tab should open with your VAT account overview, as shown below.
Step 6
Click ‘Current position‘ on the left-hand drop-down bar. This will show you your HMRC position for VAT.